What is classical education?
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What is Classical Education?
Classical education is a centuries-old methodology aimed at forming young minds to produce virtue of character, cultivate the maturity of intellect, and master grammar, math, logic, history, science and written/spoken communication skills.
Sometimes referred to as the Trivium (Latin for “three roads”), this approach consists of the grammar, dialectic and rhetoric stages, each building upon its predecessor, organizing learning around the maturing capacity of the child’s mind. The curricular emphasis during the grammar school years is on learning basic facts and figures during the time when children love to memorize (and when they are best at doing so). The subsequent emphasis during the middle school years on logic and analysis trains students to think critically and deeply about subjects, both academically and otherwise. This emphasis corresponds with the middle-school student’s bent toward exploration, questioning, and a desire for deeper understanding. Finally, the emphasis during the high school years shifts toward honing rhetorical skills, including writing. This shift prepares students to write college-level theses, utilizing their grasp of proper grammar as well their ability to think logically and critically. They also hone their skill in oral presentation and debate.
The Biblical equivalent to this progression is found in the admonition to pursue knowledge, understanding and wisdom. (see the book of Proverbs)
Classical education thus concentrates on giving depth and developing tools that the student can use throughout their lives. This approach aims to produce generations that have effectively mastered the art of learning so that they may skillfully acquire and apply knowledge, reason critically, and articulate persuasively.
Why is Latin important?
Latin is given a significant place in classical education because of the many benefits it produces. Classical education advocate Doug Wilson writes,
The solid value of classical language study can be seen in five basic areas:
The first is that it reveals a great deal about English and refines the student’s powers of expression in his native language. About 80 percent of our English vocabulary comes to us from Latin and Greek. Students of Latin enlarge their vocabulary and enrich it through knowledge of synonyms that express finer shades of meaning. They learn underlying meanings of words, grow more familiar with the process of word formation, and gain greater insight into the structure of English grammar...
The second great benefit classical language study is that it enables the student to appreciate literature. By this, I do not mean solely the appreciation of ancient literature (for example, Virgil or Homer), although that is certainly a benefit. No, a student cannot fully appreciate English literature apart from exposure to the classical world...
Another benefit is that it gives the student an understanding of the infancy of our civilization. Not only is our language rich in Greek and Latin words, but our culture exhibits a Graeco/Roman influence throughout...
A fourth benefit is that classical language study trains the student in the essentials of the scientific method—observation, comparison, and generalization. The study of Latin grammar is a lab, without expensive lab equipment. Latin grammar requires a great deal of precision, and the student learns to be precise. The result of this kind of language study is not limited to language; it carries over into other areas as well...
And lastly, the study of Latin provides a great foundation from which to study other modern languages. The help it would be in the study of languages that are direct descendants of Latin is obvious. The student would have a head start on French, Spanish, Italian, and others (the student could have a good understanding of around 80 percent of the vocabulary of these languages). In addition, he or she would have a solid grasp of how an inflected language works, which would be a considerate help with Russian or German.
In short, the return of Latin is not the work of reactionaries. There is a solid educational value in it; the educational value can be and has been, empirically shown. Those students fortunate enough to attend a school where it is taught enjoy an incalculable advantage.
Wilson, Douglas. Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: an Approach to Distinctively Christian Education. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1991. 87-90.
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No. Parents are required to keep a record of their children’s grades and do all reporting required according NYS homeschool regulations.